Variable Tuition
Thank you for considering the eternal and life-changing effect that a Christ-centered and Biblically rooted education will have on your child(ren).
The parents who make up your Board of Trustees realize the financial sacrifice Christian schooling requires and the impact it has on the family budget. Therefore, the Board is absolutely committed to good stewardship in our budgetary processes. Making sure every tuition and donation dollar is carefully allocated to ensure your child has the equipment they need and our school retains quality, committed Christian teachers and staff.
The Board of Trustees also understands that every family's budget is different, and desiring to serve Christian families from a wide-variety of socio-economic levels, Everett Christian School utilizes a third-party organization to help us determine your Variable Tuition.
BeneFAQ, who has been supporting Christian families for over 20 years, helps us accurately and fairly assess your family's ability to pay. The application process will request financial information from you that primarily consists of income, expenses, assets, and debts. BeneFAQ uses this information to calculate what your family is likely to be able to pay in Tuition and sends a report outlining this to the Finance Team. Once received, this team will reach out to you to discuss your Variable Tuition in greater detail.
Steps to Apply for Variable Tuition:
1. Go to www.benefaq.com to create a new account.
2. Once you are at the site, select the "Parent Login" button in the upper right corner of the page.
3. Create an account, entering all the information requested and click register. This will sign you in for the first time (returning users can then sign in using the sign in section on the left).
4. Click the APPLY button.
5. Enter the application year, our school number (13213) or begin typing our school name and select it when it appears. Several schools have similar names, so please make sure you are selecting our school.
6. Enter your credit card information and click the button "Pay and Create App" to proceed. Your credit card will be charged $35 and will come through as a charge from SchoolRIGHT or BeneFAQ. Once you pay, your application will be available to begin entering information.
7. Submit your financial information by reading the instructions on each page. You will notice a menu on the left side of the screen that indicates green when sections are complete. Sections that are gray have yet to be completed. You may complete sections and come back to the application at a later date. IF you decide to exit and return later, please remember to click "Save and Continue" at the bottom of each page to make sure that section is saved in the system.
8. At the end of the application, once you have reviewed your entries and click “Submit App & Proceed” you will be asked to upload specific information based on the way you completed your application.
Click the checkbox to upload that document. YOU CANNOT SELECT MORE THAN ONE file at a time to upload. Please use the “Add” button under Pay Stubs to add additional pay stubs and the “Additional Documents” section for other items requested.
If you are not able to upload your tax returns in one complete document, please us “Additional Documents” to add the pages.
If you need to send numerous single pages for some reason, please reach out to BeneFAQ and they will provide instructions to do so.
BeneFAQ will begin verifying your application once they begin receiving documents from you.
BeneFAQ will message you through the inline messaging system if they need further clarification on anything. Please use this system to respond to those inquiries.
9. BeneFAQ will send a report to the ECS Finance Committee that outlines your families' ability to pay tuition.
10. The Finance Committee will reach out to your family with your Variable Tuition rate and talk about next steps.
If you have questions about Variable Tuition, please email admin@everettchristian.org
If you have questions about the submission process through BeneFAQ please click the Questions/Clarifications link on the upper right-hand side of the page and write your question. This will send a note to BeneFAQ and they will respond in as timely a manner as possible. In some cases it may take up to 24 hours to receive a response. They are closed on weekends and holidays.
When they respond, you will receive an email indicating that a message awaits for you in your account. A number indicator will appear next to the Messages link on your dashboard showing that you have an unread message. Click “Messages” to see the message.
If you have any issues with the messaging, you can email help@benefaq.com.
You can also call BeneFAQ at 866.222.1820 for assistance.
Everett Christian School does participate in SCRIP. This is a program where families can purchase gift cards from hundreds of retailers and receive a 1.5% to 16% rebate. Half of the rebate goes to ECS to cover administrative costs while the other half is allocated towards tuition reduction. Check out SCRIP at www.shopwithscrip.com.